Thursday, June 11, 2009

P States


County of Pappenheim

HRE Count & Lord of Pappenheim

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
1420: Imperial Hereditary Marshals of the Holy Roman Empire
c1030: Lordship
?: Pappenheim family acted as ministeriale to the Salian kings and as faithful marshals of Hohenstaufen kings
?: Marshall
Heinrich Haupt was an influential attendant/bodyguard of the Emperor Heinrich V
1145: Marshal
Heinrich 1st used the designation "of Pappenheim" (variations: "Haupt", "Testa" or "Kalendin"
?: Marshal
Heinrich of Kalendin (d.1214), served 5 kings in influential position
1214: Pappenheim possessions included Moosamt, Burgraviate of Neuburg and Lordship of Rechberg
1248: Acquired imperial stewardship of Wulzburg Abbey
Mid 1200's: Raised to rank of Baron
1279: Division of family into the Pappenheim line and Biberach line (ext. 1624)
1288: Granted Weissenburg municipal law
1295: Purchased Lordships of Mohren and Treutlingen
End of 1200's: Prince-Elector of Saxony, the imperial archmarshal, delegated its role to Pappenheim
?: Castle & lordship of Peppenheim became a fief of Saxony
1300's: Pappenheim had to sell numerous properties
1439: Division into Aletzheim, Gräfenthal and Treutlingen
1444: Division among sons of Haupt II of Pappenheim into four lines: Aletzheim (Alesheim), Rothenstein (ext. 1635), Granfethal (ext. 1599) and Treutlingen (Treuchtlingen) (ext. 1647) [Joint rule; individual admininstration
1534 & 1580: Issuance of family compacts promoting cooperation in governing Pappenheim
1558: Division into Pappenheim and Stühlingen
1536: Absorbed Gräfenthal
1628: County
1647: Absorbed Treutlingen
1697: Absorbed Aletzheim
1740/1742: HRE Coun status confirmed
1806: Mediatised to Bavaria

Rulers of Pappenheim
Sigmund I.....................................1439-1496
Sigmund II....................................1496-1536
Thomas I......................................1536-1552 with...
Christoph...................................1536-1562 and...
Haupt III.....................................1536-1559 with...
Thomas II.....................................1552-1568 and...
Henry Burchard................................1552-1612 with...
Guy Hippolytus................................1559-1621 and...
John William..................................1559-1571 and...
Philipp Thomas.................................1568-1634 and also...
John Guy......................................1571-1589 and also...
Georg Philipp.................................1621-1622 and then...
Wolfgang Philipp...............................1622-1628 d. 1671: and then...
Francis Christopher (Imp. Count 1628).........1622-1678 and then...
Partition between Pappenheim and Aletzheim, 1628.
Kaspar Godfrey (not Imp. C.)..................1634-1651
Wolfgang Christoph William..................1678-1685
Christian Ernst..............................1685-1697 d. 1721: with...
Johann Frederick................................1685-1697 d. 1731
Renamed to Pappenheim
Henry I.....................................fl. c. 1030
Henry II....................................fl. c. 1092
Henry III...................................fl. c. 1131
Ernst of Kalatin...............................d. 1170
Henry I.....................................fl. c. 1175
Rudolf I of Pappenheim.......................1193-1221
Rudolf II....................................1221-1233 with...
Henry III.....................................1240-1278
Henry IV......................................1278-1318
Rudolf I.....................................1318-1335
Rudolf II....................................1335-1345
Henry V.......................................1245-1387
Haupt I.......................................1247-1409
Haupt II......................................1409-1439 with...
Partitioned between Gräfenthal, Pappenheim, Treutlingen, and Aletzheim
Wolfgang I....................................1536-1558
Partitioned between Pappenheim, and Stühlingen
Wolfgang II...................................1558-1585 with...
Christoph...................................1558-1569 and...
Philipp........................................1558-1619 with...
Wolfgang Christoph..........................1585-1635 with...
Wolfgang Philipp of Aletzheim (Imp. Count 1628)...1628-1671
Charles Philipp Gustav.........................1671-1692
Louis Franz.................................1692-1697
Christian Ernst of Aletzheim.................1697-1721 with...
Johann Frederick of Aletzheim...................1697-1731 with...
Frederick Ernest..............................1721-1725 and then...
Albert Louis Frederick........................1725-1733
Frederick Ferdinand...........................1733-1773 d. 1793
Johann Frederick Ferdinand......................1773-1792 d. 1816
Charles Theodore Frederick Eugene Francis.....1792-1806 d. 1807
Frederick William, Regent, 1792-7
Pappenheim mediatized
Konrad, Landgrave of Stühlingen...............1582-1603
Maximilian Louis..............................1603-1639
To Fürstenberg
Georg I......................................1439-1485
Georg II.....................................1485-1529
Ulrich........................................1529-1539 with...
Rudolf.......................................1529-1552 with...
Georg III....................................1539-1553 with...
Johann Georg...................................1552-1568 with...
Godfrey Henry.................................1608-1632
Wolfgang Adam.................................1632-1647

Imperial Marshal Veit zu Pappenheim (1535-1600)

Gottfried Heinrich, Graf zu Pappenheim (1594-1632)

Wolfgang Adam, Graf zu Pappenheim

Carl Theodor, Graf zu Pappenheim

City of Pappenheim: History
County of Pappenheim: History
Grafschaft Pappenheim
Pappenheim House

County of Parkstein

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
1776: HRE County

1777: immediate Lords of Reipoltskirchen

County of Peilstein

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
Conrad I (1120-1168) founds line of Counts of Peilstein

?: Stewards of the Archbishopric of Salzburg
1218: Line extinct with death of
Friedrich VI

Genealogy of Counts of Peilstein


Lords of Piedmont
Count of Savoy
Lord of Piedmont, ?-1233

Lord of Piedmont, 1233-1359

Lord of Piedmont, 1259-1282

Lord of Piedmont, 1282-1334

Lord of Piedmont, 1334-1367

Lord of Piedmont, 1368

Lord of Piedmont, 1368-1402

Lord of Piedmont, 1402-1418


Territorial and Dynastic History
1155:  To Republic of Pisa
1399:  Piombino and Elba sold to Milan by Pisa; Appiani dynasty granted Lordship over territories
1399:1634: To Appiani Family
1404-1463:  Under suzerainty of Florence
1445: Rinaldo Orsini became Lord of Piombino as husband of Caterina d'Appiani
1463-1801: Under suzerainty of Kingdom of Sicily (Naples)
1501-1503: To Cesare Borgia
1509: Appiani created Prince of the Holy Roman Empire; Principality of Piombino and Lordship of Elba created as an immediate fief of the HRE, under suzerainty of Spain
1548: Occupied by Florence
1552:  Occupied by Florence
1557: Appiani reinstated
1594: Principality of Piombino created by Emperor Rudolf II with Alessandro Appiani d'Aragona
1634: Acquired by Ludovisi through marriage of Niccolo I with Polissena Appiani in 1632
1708: Inherited by Antonio I of the Buoncompagni
1801: Principality abolished by Napoleon, annexing its lands to Kingdom of Eturira
1809: Napoleon invests his sister, Elisa Baciocchi, Principality of Lucca and Piombino
1815: Piombino annexed to Grand Duchy of Tuscany
1860: To Kingdom of ItalyI

Rulers of Piombino

Lords of Piombino - Appiani dynasty

1st Lord of Piombino, 1399-1405
Married Paola Colonna
Iacopo II
Caterina, married Rinaldo Orsini

Jacopo II
Lord of Piombino, 1405-1441
Paola Colonna, Regent , 1405

Paola Appiani Colonna
Lady of Piombino, 1440-1445

Rinaldo Orsini
(d.1450, plague)
a celebrated commander
Lord of Piombino, 1445-1450

Lady of Piombino, 1445-1451

Lord of Piombino,
Married Ippolita
a natural daughter of Alfonso V of Naples

Jacopo III
"Iacopo III d'Appiano d'Aragona Count and Lord of Piombino and its Depoendencies"
Lord of Piombino, 1457-1474
Married 1454 Battistina Campofregoso (1432-1481)

"...In 1465 King Ferdinand authorised Appiano to assume the royal coat of arms of Naples, and to add the name of Aragon to that of Appiano...."  (SDUK, p. 192)

Jacopo IV
1st HRE Prince of Piombino, 1509
Lord of Piombino, 1474-1510
Married 1478
Married 1476 Vittoria Todeschini Piccolomini d'Aragona
daughter of Duke of Amalfi and of Maria of Aragon, a natural daughter of Ferdinand of Naples
"...In 1502, he received the investiture from the Emperor Maximilian I of the principality of Piombino for himself and his heirs..  By a diploma of the Emperor Maximilian, dated November, 1509, the principality of Piombino was declared to be an Imperial fief, and power was given to Jacopo and his successors to strike money, both gold and silver..."  (SDUK, p. 192)

Jacopo V
2nd Prince of Piombino, 1511-1545
Married (1) 1510
Marianna d'Aragona (1485-1513)
Married (2) 1514
Maria Ridolfi (1497-1514)
Married (3) 1515
Clarice Ridolfi (1499-1524)
Married (4) 1525
Elena Salviati (149_-1552)

"...He obtained of the Emperor Charles V, in 1520, the renewal of the investiture of his principality with the privilege of inserting the imperial eagle in his coat of arms...  Jacopo V d'Appiano fell ill and died, in 1545, and the Spanish general (Don Juan de Luna) took possession of Piombino in the name of the emperor as guardian to the infant son of the late prince." (SDUK, p.193)

Jacopo VI
3rd Prince of Piombino, 1545-1585
Married (1547
Virginia Fieschi (d.1597)
"Jacopo VI d'Appiano was not put in possession of his dominions till 1559, after the subjection of Siena by Duke Cosmo and the general pacification of Tuscany. In the intervening time Piombino and Elba were occupied by Spanish and Florentine troops, and Duke Cosmo was several times on the point of obtaining of those territories, which he greatly coveted.  But by the treaty of May, 1557, Duke Cosmo was obliged to restore Piombino to its hereditary sovereign...  In 1559 Jacopo VI took possession of Piombino, to the great satisfaction of the people, who were weary of foreign domination, and in 1562 he obtained from the Emperor Ferdinand I the confirmation of the investiture granted to his ancestors...  Jacopo died in 1585, leaving his principality to his natural son Alessandro, whom he had caused to be legitimated by the emperor."  (SDUK, p. 193)

(1555-1589, assassinated)
4th Prince of Piombino, 1585-1589
Married 1575
Isabella de Mendoza (1558-1619)
Jacopo VII

Princes and Princesses of Piombino

Jacopo VII Appiani
1st Prince of Piombino, 1594-1600
Marquess of Populonia, 1594
Married 1602 Bianca Spinola (1590-1625)

"...The Grand Duke Ferdinand I of Tuscany assumed the protection of Jacopo, the infant son of Alessandro, and in 1591 the Spanish court consented to restore Piombino to Jacopo under the guardianship of his uncle, Alfonso d'Appiano...  [He] obtained a new investiture of Piombino from the Emperor Rudolf II, and died in 1600o without issue.  Several collaterals claimed the succession...."  (SDUK, P. 193)

2nd Prince of Piombino and Marquess of Popuania, 1603
Married 1579 Virginia Alidosi (1563-?)

Isabella Appiani
3rd Princess of Piombino, 1611-1624
Married (1) 1602
Jorge de Mendoza (1560-1619)
2nd Count of Binasco
Polissena de Mendoza
Married (2) 1602
Paolo Giordano II Orsini (1591-1646)
3rd Duke of Bracciano, HRE Prince and Grandee of Spain

4th Prince of Piombino & Marquess of Populania, 1626-1635

Prince of Piombino, 1634-1664
Married (1)
Isabella Gesualdo
Married (2)
Polissena de Mendoza
Married (3)
Constanza Pamphili di San Martino (1627-?)
Olimpia Ippolita Ludovisi

"...In 1624 the Emperor Ferdinand II acknodlefged by a decree of the Aulic chamber, the claims of the sons of Carlo Sforza d'Appiano, descended from Jacopo III, on condition of their paying 800,000 florins to the Imperial treasury, which payment the claimants being unable to effct, the emperor, after several years, declared the Appiani to have forfeited their claims, and in Marche 1634, gave the invesiture of Piombinoo to Niccolo Ludovisi, prince of Venosa, subject of Philip IV, king of Spain and Naples, on condition of the prince paying one million of florins to the Aulic chamber.  Ludovisi having effected the payment took possession of Piombino.  HIs male line becoming extinct in the third generation, the succession fell to the house of Buoncampagni of Rome, which was allied to the Ludovisi by marriage...."  (SDUK, pp. 193-194)

Prince of Piombino, 1664-1699

Prince of Piombino,
Anna Maria Arduino
(d. 1700)
Regent of Piombino, 1699-1700

Princess of Piombino, 1700
Married 1681
Gergorio I Boncompagni (1642-1707)
5th Duke of Sora & Arce
Joint Prince of Piombino, 1700-1707
Maria Eleonora I
"...[I]n 1701 Don Gregorio Buoncompagni entered into possession, with the title of Prince of Piombino.  His descendants continued to govern their little state till 1801,when Bonaparte, then First Consul of the French republic, took possession of Piombino and Elba, and a few years later gave Piombino to his sister Elisa Baciocchi...."  (SDUK, p. 194)
Antonio I
Joint Prince of Piombino, 1707-1721

2nd Princess of Piombino, 1734-1745
Married 1702
Antonio Boncompagni
3rd Prince of Piombino
Gaetano Boncompagni-Ludovisi

Prince of Piombino, 1745-1777
Duke of Sora
Married 1726
Laura Chigi Albani della Rovere (1707-?)
Antonio II

Prince of Piombino, 1778-1805[5]
Duke of Sora

Princess of Lucca and Piombino, 1805-18014[6]

Luigi Maria (1767-1841)
Prince of Piombino, 1814-1815
Piombino in World Statesmen
County of Plettenberg

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
1698: Partitioned into Plettenberg-Lenhausen and Plettenberg-Wittem
1722: immediate Lords of Wittem and Eyss
1724: HRE County
1732: Imperial EstatE

Imperial County Plettenberg-Wittem

HRE Count of Plettenberg & Wittem

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
1698: Partitioned from Plettenberg

1724: County


Territorial Development & Dynastic History
c1069: Mention of count Bernhard of Plotzkau
c1100: Plotzkau castle already established
1132: Konrad II died in an ambush in Italy
1147: Bernhard II died while on a crusade
mid-1100's: Line of counts died out
1152: Emperor


Territorial Development & Dynastic History

995: Pomerania conquered by Boleslaw I of Poland

1000's: Pomerania became an independent duchy

1046: 1st "Pomeranian" Duke (Zemuzil of Slavia) appeared before Emperor Heinrich III in Merseburg

1121-1138: Poland regained control of eastern Pomerania

1156: Division into Pomerania-Stettin and Pomerania-Demmin

1164: Duchy of Pomerania became a fief of Saxony

1168-1180: Heinrich the Lion of Saxony conquered Pomerania

1181: Dukes of Pomerania recognized by the German Emperor; Pomerania became an Imperial fief; Duke Bogislaw received his lands in fief from Emperor Friedrich I, and thus became a prince of the German Empire.

1184-1227: Pomerania came under Danish sovereignty

1227: Imperial fief again

1227: Duchy of Pomeralia (eastern Pomerania) became independent

122*1231: Under Margrave of Brandenburg's feudal authority7: Duke Swantopelk II of Pomerelia acquired Counties of Schlawe & Stolp

1236: Pomerania-Demmin accepted Brandenburg's feudal authority; Stargard transferred to Brandenburg

1250: Margrave of Brandenburg enfeoffs 2 Pomeranian dukes with the whole of Pomerania

1250: Barnim I acquired castle and territory of Wolgast

1264: Pomerania-Demmin line died out

1270: Rugen acquired County of Schlawe

1277: Rugen sold Schlawe to Brandenburg

1294: Pomeralia annexed to Poland

1295: Dukes Otto and BogislawDivision into Pomerania-Stettin & Pomerania-Wolgast

1307: County of Stolp passed to Brandenburg

1308/1309: Pomeralia acquired by Teutonic Knights

1317: Duke Wartislaw IV acquired Schlawe-Stolp from Brandenburg

1318-1347: County of Stolp acquired by Teutonic Knights

1320: HRE Prince

Duchy of Further Pomerania (Hinterpommern, Eastern part)

Duchy of Hither Pomerania (Vorpommern, Western part)

1325: Principality of Rugen passed to Pomerania

1338: Recognized by German Empire

1347: Pomerania acquired County of Schlawe after its dynasty died out

1420: Pomerania came under Brandenburg sovereignty

1440: Pomerania joined the Prussian federation

1529: Pomerania gained imperial immediacy

1532: Pomerania joined Lower Saxony Circle; divided into Hither and Further Pomerania

1466: Teutonic Knights restored Pomerelia to Poland

1627-1630: Pomerania occupied by imperial troops of Emperor Ferdinand II

1630-1815: Swedish occupation

1637: Pomerania granted to Elector of Brandenburg

1637: Counties of Lauenburg & Butow passed to Poland

1648: Treaty of Westphalia gave Hither Pomerania (western Pomerania, with Stettin, Stralsund & Rugen) & Farther Pomerania (eastern Pomerania with Stargard) to Brandenburg

1657: Counties of Lauenburg & Butow fell to Brandenburg

1720: Sweden lost half of Hither Pomerania to Prussia

To 1806: Kings of Sweden remained Princes of the HRE as owners of Swedish Pomerania

1806-1813: French occupation

1815: To Prussia

Dukes of Pomerania

1107-1122: Swantepolk

1122-1153: Wartislaw I

1137-1152: Ratibor I

1153-1187: Bogislaw I


1153-1180: Kasimir I

1187-1219: Kasimir II

1219-1227: Barnim

1219-1264: Wartislaw III


1187-1220: Bogislaw II

1224-1278: Barnim I

1278-1295: Barnim II

1278-1309: Bogislaw IV

1309-1326: Wartislaw IV


1326-1373: Bogislaw V (1318-1373)


1373-1377: Kasimir IV

1377-1418: Bogislaw VIII

1418-1446: Bogislaw IX


1373-1395: Wartislaw VII

1395-1459: Erich I (Eric VII of Denmark)


1326-1365: Barnim IV

1326-1390: Wartislaw V


1365-1394: Wartislaw VI

1365-1393: Bogislaw VI

1394-1405: Barnim VI

1405-1457: Wartislaw IX

1457-1474: Erich II

1474-1523: Bogislaw X

1523-1531: Georg I

1531-1560: Philipp I

1560-1600: Johann Friedrich I (1542-1600)

1592-1625: Philipp Julius


1278-1344: Otto I

1344-1368: Barnim III

1368-1372: Kasimir III

1372-1413: Swantibor I

1372-1403: Bogislaw VII

1413-1428: Otto II

1413-1435: Kasimir V

1435-1451: Joachim

1451-1464: Otto III

1523-1569: Barnim XI

1569-1600: Johann Friederich


1394-1415: Wartislaw VIII

?-1415: Wartislaw IX

1415-1451: Barnim VIII

1457-1478: Wartislaw X


1560-1603: Barnim XII


1569-1606: Bogislaw XIII (1544-1606), Duke of Pomerania-Barth, 1569-1603; Duke of Pomerania-Stettin, 1603-1606

1606-1618: Philipp II

1618-1620: Franz

1620-1637: Bogislaw XIV


Genealogy (FMG)

Genealogy (Genealogy.EU)

Greiffen Dukes of Pomerania (Bios)

History of Pomerania

Friedrich I invested Albert the Bear with Plotzkau as a fief
1170: Albert's son Berhard succeeded to Plotzkau
1603: Principality of Anhalt-Plotzkau established with an area of 40 sq.kms. and a population of 2,000, coined money and exercised judicial authority


Plotzkau Castle

The territory inherited by Joanna, queen of Naples, as countess of Provence, comprised the greater and the richer part of the ancient kingdom of Arles, which in the ninth century had been separated from the empire of Charlemagne by the marriage of Hermengarde, daughter of Louis the Debonnaire, with Bozon, count of Ardennes, and which, on the death of his descendant, Rodolph the Slothful, was again subdivided into the sovereign fiefs of Vienne or Dauphine; the Maurienne or Duchy of Savoy; the Lyonnois ; Piedmont, from the Var to the Taglia; the county of Arles or Eastern Provence, south and east of the Durance, from the Rhone to the Var ; the county of Fourcalquier or Western Provence, between the Rhone and the Durance; the Venaissin or county of Avignon ; the principality of Orange, which gave title to William of Nassau, to whom Britain owes so much, and a few other unimportant baronies, dependant on Provence.

In the year 1245, these fiefs, with the exception of the three first, became the inheritance of Beatrice, daughter and heiress of Raimond Be renger, count of Provence. The partial father had given to his three elder daughters, the queens of England and France, and the titular empress of Germany,6 a marriage portion of but ten thousand marks of silver each, whilst to his youngest and favourite child Beatrice, he left territories which incited the ambition of the feudal princes of France and Spain to use every means of force or stratagem to obtain the hand of the young countess. The celebrated Romeo de Villeneuve was appointed the guardian of her dominions; and the abbess, the prioress, and an inferior nun, of a convent near St. Remy, were entrusted with the care of her person, for which purpose they left the seclusion of their convent to reside at the court of Aix. Beatrice was surrounded with danger on every side, and in order to secure to her the peaceable possession of her inheritance, her guardians, with the consent of her mother and her sisters, bestowed her hand, before the expiration of the year of her father's death, on Charles of France, brother of St. Louis, who, to procure an alliance so advantageous to the House of France, bestowed on his brother the counties of Anjou and Maine, and thenceforward this prince is known in history by the name of Charles of Anjou." (Panache, Vol. 1, pp. 2-3)

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
855: Kingdom
863: Divided between Italy (south) and Lotharingia (Lorraine) (north)
869-877: French rule
879: County
933: To Kingdom of Arles
1032-1246: To Holy Roman Empire
1113-1246: To Counts of Barcelona
1246: French fief
1481: In personal union with the French royal domain

Those of My Blood

County of Pyrmont

Prince of Waldeck & Pyrmont, Count of Rappolstein, Lord of Hohenack & Geroldseck am Wasgau

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
1557: Annexed to Sternberg and Pyrmont

1583: Recreated on partition
1631: Annexed to Waldeck-Eisenberg

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