Thursday, June 11, 2009

I States



Rulers of Isenburg
Counts of Isenburg in Büdingen (since 1340)

1340–1378: Heinrich I

1378–1395: Johann I
1395–1308: Johann II
1408–1461: Diether I, Count from 1442

1461–1511: Ludwig II
Inherited in the counts of Isenburg and Büdingen (John V.), as well as men to Ronneburg (Philipp)
Counts of Isenburg and Büdingen in Birstein (1511-1633)

1511–1533: Johann V
1533–1596: Philipp
1596–1633: Wolfgang Ernst, Burgrave of Gelnhausen

Inherited in the counts of Isenburg-Büdingen in Büdingen and Count of Isenburg-Büdingen in Offenbach

Counts of Isenburg-Büdingen in Offenbach
1633–1635: Wolfgang Heinrich of Isenburg-Büdingen in Offenbach und Dreieich
1635–1685: Johann Ludwig, Count of Isenburg and Büdingen in Offenbach (inherited Isenburg-Birstein)
1685–1718: Johann Philipp of Isenburg-Offenbach in Offenbach
Counts of Ysenburg and Büdingen in Birstein

1685–1711 Graf Wilhelm Moritz zu Ysenburg und Büdingen in Birstein 1685-1711 Count Wilhelm Moritz Ysenburg and Büdingen in Birstein
1711–1754 Graf Wolfgang Ernst zu Isenburg und Büdingen, seit 23. 1711-1754 Count Wolfgang Ernst on Isenburg and Büdingen, since 23 Mai 1744 Reichsfürst zu Isenburg und Büdingen May 1744 the Empire of Isenburg and Büdingen
1754–1803 Fürst Wolfgang Ernst II. zu Isenburg und Büdingen 1754-1803 Prince Wolfgang Ernst II of Isenburg and Büdingen
1820–1866 Fürst Wolfgang Ernst III. 1820-1866 Prince Wolfgang Ernst III. zu Isenburg und Büdingen to Isenburg and Büdingen
1866–1889 Fürst Karl II. zu Isenburg und Büdingen 1866-1889 Charles II, Prince of Isenburg and Büdingen

1889–1918 Fürst Franz Joseph zu Isenburg und Büdingen, seit 1913 Fürst von Isenburg 1889-1918 Prince Franz Joseph zu Isenburg and Büdingen, since 1913 Prince of Isenburg
Heads of the House of Isenburg

1918–1939 Fürst Franz Joseph von Isenburg 1918-1939 Prince Franz Joseph von Isenburg
1939–1956 Franz Ferdinand Fürst von Isenburg 1939-1956 Franz Ferdinand, Prince of Isenburg

1956- heute Franz Alexander Fürst von Isenburg 1956 - Today, Franz Alexander, Prince of Isenburg
Counts and Princes of Ysenburg-Büdingen

1633-1685 Count Johann Ernst von Isenburg-Büdingen
1685-1693 Count Johann Casimir of Isenburg-Büdingen
1693-1749 Count Ernst Casimir I of Isenburg-Büdingen
1749-1768 Gustaf Graf Friedrich von Isenburg-Büdingen
1768-1775 Count Ludwig Casimir of Isenburg-Büdingen
1775-1801 Count Ernst Casimir II of Isenburg-Büdingen
1801-1848 Count Ernst Casimir III. von Isenburg-Büdingen (1781–1852), seit 1840 als from Isenburg-Büdingen (1781-1852), since 1840 as
1840-1848 Prince Ernst Casimir I. to Ysenburg and Büdingen, resigned 1848
1848-1861 Prince Ernst Casimir II Ysenburg and Büdingen (1806-1861)
Heads of the House Ysenburg-Büdingen

1920-1922 Alfred Lord to Ysenburg and Büdingen
1922-1941 Prince Carl Gustav to Ysenburg and Büdingen, adopted 1936 Otto Friedrich von Isenburg-Wächtersbach
1941-1990 Otto Friedrich to Prince Ysenburg and Büdingen
1990 - Wolfgang Ernst Fürst for Ysenburg and Büdingen



"The Austro-Hungarian County of Istria (now split between Croatia, Slovenia and Italy), passed to the Duke of Carinzia in 976, became a Margravate of Weimer in 1040, then a portion became a tributary of Venice in 1149 while the other northeast portion of the peninsula went to Gorizia in 1209 and then in 1374 passed to Austria - with individual feudal towns and territories periodically switching hands along the way, including a brief rule by over all by Napoleon. On October 14, 1814 all of Istria was acquired by Austria-Hungary, after World War I it was annexed to Italy, after World War II it was split into Italy and Yugoslavia, and then in 1991 it arrived at the current split between Croatia, Slovenia and Italy."  (Istrianet)

Territorial Development & Dynastic History
952: "...King Otto I, inthe context of organising a defence against the Magyars excised Istra and Friuli (the Margraviate of Verona) from the Kingdom of Italy and included it in the Duchy of Bavaria...." (Darovec, the Middle Ages)
976: "...[E]mperor Otto II formed...the autonomouc Duchy of Carinthia which did not include Bavaria, although Istra and the Margraviate of Verona were part of it." (Darovec, the Middle Ages)
c1060: "...Istra was definitively designated as a separate marquisate when the Germanic emperor Henry III, wanting to weaken the influence of the dukes of Carinthia, gave it in fief to Ulderic of Weimar (1040-1070). On that occasion Istra was augmented by the additio0n of the territory to the east of the Rasa up to Rijeka...." (Darovec, the Middle Ages)
1208: "
Such freedom in decision-making of the cities was significantly curtailed by the patriarchs of Aquileia to whom Istra was given in feud by the German emperor in 1208. Patriarch Volfger began to appoint his representatives in the cities and in the main boroughs...." "Despite the fact that the Marquis exercised his power over the whole of Istra, the possessions of the counts of Gorizia in central Istra and those of the Duinos in the Kvarner remained outside the jurisdiction of the patriarchs of Aquileia...." (Darovec, the Middle Ages)

1374: Portion passed to Habsburgs
1420: Rest of Istria annexed by Venice
1797: Venetian part to Habsburg Austria
1809-1813: French occupation

Margraves of Istria

c799-c804: Hunfrid
c804: Johann, Duke of Istria

  • "...When the Frankish duke Johannes started to seize properties, to impose various taxes on the citizens and to settle Slavs within the territories of cities, the citizens of Istra appealed to the central authorities. Their complaints were examined at a meeting in Rižana near Koper in about 804-in the presence of envoys representing Charlemagne.
?: Weriand
?: Hadamut, daughter of Weriand
1012-1044: Poppo I (d.1044)
1060-1070: Ulric I of Weimar

  • "After Ulderic of Weimar, the position of feudal lord of Istra was held by the following: Marquard of Eppenstein (deceased 1076), the patriarch of Aquileia Sigard (1077), Henry of Eppenstein (1078), Popon and Ulderic Weimar-Orlamünde (1090-1102) the Spanheims (1112-1173) and the Andechs-Meranskis (1173-1208). As a rule all of them were simultaneously marquises of Carniola and Istra." (Darovec, the Middle Ages)
1077-1090: Heinrich I
1090-1096: Engelbert I
1093-1101: Burkhard
1096-1098: Poppo II of Carniola (d.1098)
1098-1107: Ulric II of Carniola (d.1112)
1107-1124: Engelbert II of Carinthia
1124-1173: Engelbert III
1173-1188: Berthold I of Merania (d.1204)
1188-1204: Berthold II

1204-1228: Heinrich II
1228-1234: Otto I
1234-1248: Otto II

A Brief History of Istria

Istria on the Internet

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